
Good branding centers around authentic storytelling.

Throughout my career I’ve helped to discover and amplify a client’s voice to resonate with prospective customers or stakeholders while navigating an always-evolving technological landscape. Content is a broad term and includes the written word, photography, design and video. I’ve offered high-level strategy directing agency teams, I’ve also settled down to craft my own tactical creations. Fewer things satisfy an old artist’s soul like producing content for people that want to consume it!

At Portland Community College I contributed to a team that produced its catalog (available in 380,000 homes per term). I worked with Design, Marketing and Public Affairs to select covers that fulfilled a specific marketing need or that addressed our values as an institution. I also wrote feature stories. My favorite cover and feature story presented Poison Waters and their new “History of Portland Drag” class to the Portland community.

At PCC I worked with an inbound marketing agency to design dozens of pieces of content each term in support of four different departments. The content was part of an inbound marketing strategy that I highlight in other parts of this website. In short, I’d meet with an agency representative bi-weekly to offer program-based content needs for the coming quarter in support of registration goals. I’d engineer the content to integrate with CTA’s, Forms, newsletters, automated emails and KPI reports. The content included feature length program features, interviews with staff, student success stories and career-related information for prospective students.

For example, for our Herbalism class we’d produce niche content demonstrating how the study of Herbalism is relevant to people with that specific interest, or demonstrate how to turn that expertise into a career, or offer resources for prospective students based in Portland. We produced this type of content for dozens of classes. The content was designed to drive organic search to our website. On each page we had forms and CTA’s to entice readers to sign up for more information or perform a desired action. The acquired contacts then became part of our email-strategy to remind users of registration dates and other important deadlines.

Examples of Writing:

AM:PM PR (2012-2017)
Was the lead blog writer for several years, focusing on personal interests related to marketing and communications. Also produced its semi-monthly newsletter using Emma.

WilderNewport (2013-2016)
Was the lead blog writer for several years (though my entries have been attributed to other people). Part of a strategy to build interest and community support for a new housing complex on the Oregon coast.

PCC Community Ed (2018-2021)
Worked with an agency partner to produce content for the Community Education blog to create organic search traffic, shareable social media content and inform prospective students. Also produced its weekly newsletters using MailChimp.

PCC CLIMB - (2018-2021)
Worked with an agency partner to produce content for the CLIMB blog in support of four departments to acquire prospective students, create organic search traffic, shareable social media content and inform prospective students. Also produced weekly emails for all four departments using HubSpot.

FolkeFIRE - (2021 - Present)
This is my personal website in support of my music and personal finance interests.

Content Examples

My favorite cover and feature story presented Poison Waters and their new “History of Portland Drag” class to the Portland community; the story was pitched and picked up by local media, too

This is a story I wrote in support of the Getting Your Recipe to Market program at PCC; picked up by local media

